
When it comes to investing in property, finding the right loan, and using lenders in the right order, is just as important as finding the right property.

It's not just about getting the lowest interest rate - the best loan for your investment property is the one that aligns with your investment strategy.

For example, a loan with a low interest rate might not be the best choice for an investor looking to maximise their borrowing capacity, or to take out the most amount of equity.

As an avid property investor, with 6 properties (including a family home) across NSW, QLD and WA, Justin is well versed in the nuances and strategies required to gain and maintain an investment portfolio.

It's important for investors to focus on what’s within our control. This includes taking the time to find the right investment home loan product that fits their individual investment strategy to achieve their property investment goals – whether that’s the 1st, 5th, or 10th investment property.

This is especially relevant in a macro economic environment where there is constant volatility and changes occurring outside of our control.

For investors, our service includes a ‘health check’ of where your loans are at, how they are structured, and seeing if they are setting you up for success.


In the current macro economic environment, we find that refinances are one of the most requested services for GG Loans.

Why refinance?

  • Better products/rates - there may have been significant financial changes in the market since clients last reviewed their loan. When refinancing client’s loans, we’ve had situations where clients have saved 1 to 2% off their current rate - which translates to thousands of dollars saved in interest per year.

  • Equity release - over time your properties may have grown in value. Generally you can access up to 80% of this value without paying Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI).

    We can help you release this equity so that you can use it to invest, renovate or have it sitting there for future investment opportunities.

Next home buyer

If you’re downsizing, upsizing, building, or simply relocating, we are here to do the ground work to find the right home loan for your needs.

Call or email us now to book a no obligation appointment to discuss what may be the best approach for your individual circumstances.

First Home Buyer

As a first home buyer, we appreciate how it can an experience that is exciting, nerve wracking and everything in between.

There are all these properties, acronyms, people and processes that you need to interact and learn that makes rocket science seem like ABC.

At GG Loans, we will help answer all the burning questions you may have such as:

How much money do I need to put down as a deposit?

As a general rule of thumb, it can be as low as 5% and goes up to 20% of the property purchase price, depending on your circumstances and the property you are wanting to purchase.

There are factors such as the location, dwelling type (house or unit/apartment), price and the lender that will impact this figure.

What is the First Home Guarantee Scheme?

The First Home Guarantee is an initiative from the Australian Government designed to support eligible first home buyers purchase a home sooner.

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) provides a guarantee for eligible first home buyers on low and middle incomes so that they can purchase a home with a deposit of as little as five percent.

The Australian Government has made 35,000 First Home Guarantee places available for the current financial year through a panel of participating lenders.


To apply for the FHBG, home buyers must be:  

  • applying as an individual or couple (married / de facto)  

  • an Australian citizen(s) at the time they enter the loan

  • at least 18 years of age

  • earning up to $125,000 for individuals or $200,000 for couples, as shown on the Notice of Assessment (issued by the Australian Taxation Office) 

  • intending to be owner-occupiers of the purchased property  

  • first home buyers who have not previously owned, or had an interest in, a property in Australia. 

Why this is great news for eligible first home buyers

If you want to buy a property today you typically need to save at least 20% of the property’s value in order to secure a home loan and avoid paying Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) or to avoid relying on a guarantor.

Under the First Home Guarantee, you're required to contribute a minimum of five percent of the property’s value towards the deposit. NHFIC then provides a guarantee to the lender covering up to 15% of the property’s value.


You’re a first home buyer in Sydney looking at a $800,000 home. Without the first home guarantee scheme, you’d normally need a 20% deposit which is $160,000. To reduce the deposit, you’d need to pay LMI.

With the scheme, even with just 5% deposit, you only need $40,000 as a deposit and there is no LMI applicable. Stamp duty and legal costs will apply.